Cada mañana me levantaba y hacía las mismas cosas a lo largo del día, de vez en cuando algo nuevo ocurría en mi rutina y ¡eso me gustaba!, ¿Que pasaría si de vez en cuando agregaba conscientemente algo en vez de que fuera algo fortuito? así que comencé a probar.
Me dí cuenta que las cosas que comía no eran del todo saludables muchas veces me enfermaba y no sabía porqué, así que me puse a leer un poco, busqué documentales sobre la alimentación y comencé a cambiar mis hábitos alimenticios, en este aspecto los cambios fueron básicamente en el consumo de grasas, carnes y productos procesados, en mi caso particular decidí que cuanto menos consumiera de eso, mejor. Eso sí tuve que leer bastante para poder informarme de los productos que me proporcionaran la mayor cantidad de nutrientes posible para no debilitarme. hoy en día casi no me enfermo :-)
Luego seguí con un cambio de actitud, la actitud es una de las cosas más importantes en nuestras vidas, ya que dependiendo de la actitud que tengamos ante las situaciones, generaremos pensamientos y sentimientos negativos o positivos. Aquí lo complicado es hallar el balance adecuado, me dí cuenta que no se trata de ser un "pasota" o un indiferente, si no de aceptar las situaciones que estamos viviendo, de ver el lado positivo si no se pueden cambiar, y si algo se puede cambiar pues, ¡Se cambia! siempre que sea para bien, si tomamos en cuenta que somos seres hechos de energía, imaginemos que podremos lograr si cada día generamos y acumulamos energía positiva, ¿Cuantos años llevamos acumulando de vez en cuando energía negativa? Indudablemente que todo lo que nos sucede es de nuestra propia responsabilidad, si asumimos nuestra responsabilidad y dejamos de culpar a los demás de lo que nos pasa, podremos meditar sobre nuestras acciones, pensamientos y sentimientos. De ésta forma nos hacemos conscientes de nuestras actitudes negativas, generando así la posibilidad de "cambio" y el cambio muchas veces implica evolución...
Luego de este cambio de actitud (el cual continúa teniendo lugar hoy en día) me di cuenta de que cosas que antes consideraba poco frecuentes, comenzaron a suceder con frecuencia, gestos de bondad, ayudas inesperadas, comencé a ver mas personas sonrientes, conforme me iba volviendo una persona más amable en el trato a los demás, mas amabilidad recibía :-) es allí cuando leí sobre una ley universal, la ley de "Dar y Recibir" pero eso es un tema de otro artículo...
Pienso que es en el cambio donde radica la verdadera felicidad, hacer cosas nuevas, aprender, ver, conocer personas y compartir momentos y experiencias, viajar...Para vivir en el cambio hay que dejar de aferrarse a lo conocido, dejar de aferrarse a nuestro antiguo "yo", a nuestro concepto de nosotros mismos y comenzar a vivir lo que queremos vivir y ser lo que deseamos ser.
day I woke up like i do every day and i said to myself: "I want to
change the life I have, I do not like it" immediately afterwards, I
started thinking about the possibilities of change and live what i
Every morning I got up and did the same things throughout the day, from time to time something new happened in my routine and I liked that!, What if occasionally i would add something instead consciously it was a fluke ? so I started to try.
I realized that things i was eating were not all healthy often got sick and did not know why, so i read a bit, looked documentaries about food and began to change my eating habits in this respect the changes were basically in the consumption of fats, meats and processed products, in my case i decided that the less consumed of that, the better. Of course I had to read enough to inform me of the products that can provide the most nutrients possible for not to weaken. Today hardly get sick :-)
Then I followed with a change of attitude, the attitude is one of the most important things in our lives, because depending on our attitude to situations, thoughts and feelings generate negative or positive. Here it is difficult to find the right balance, I realized that it is not being an "easygoing" or an indifferent, if not to accept the situations we are living, to see the positive side if you can not change it, and if anything can be changed, just s change it! where for good, if we consider that we are beings made of energy, imagine if every day we can generate and accumulate positive energy, how many years we occasionally accumulate negative energy? Undoubtedly that everything that happens to us is our own responsibility, if we assume our responsibility and stop blaming others for what happens to us, we can reflect it on our actions, thoughts and feelings. In this way we become aware of our negative attitudes, thus creating the possibility of "change" and change often involves evolution ...
After this change of attitude (which continues to take place today) I realized that things once considered rare, began to happen frequently, gestures of kindness, unexpected help, i began to see more smiling people, as i was becoming a kinder person in dealing with others, but received kindness :-) is there when I read about a universal law, the law of "Give and Receive" but that's a topic for another article ...
I think change is where the true happiness is, do new things, learn, see, meet people and share moments and experiences, travel ... To live in the change we must stop clinging to the familiar, stop clinging to our old "self," our concept of ourselves and begin to live what we want to live and to be what we want to be.
Every morning I got up and did the same things throughout the day, from time to time something new happened in my routine and I liked that!, What if occasionally i would add something instead consciously it was a fluke ? so I started to try.
I realized that things i was eating were not all healthy often got sick and did not know why, so i read a bit, looked documentaries about food and began to change my eating habits in this respect the changes were basically in the consumption of fats, meats and processed products, in my case i decided that the less consumed of that, the better. Of course I had to read enough to inform me of the products that can provide the most nutrients possible for not to weaken. Today hardly get sick :-)
Then I followed with a change of attitude, the attitude is one of the most important things in our lives, because depending on our attitude to situations, thoughts and feelings generate negative or positive. Here it is difficult to find the right balance, I realized that it is not being an "easygoing" or an indifferent, if not to accept the situations we are living, to see the positive side if you can not change it, and if anything can be changed, just s change it! where for good, if we consider that we are beings made of energy, imagine if every day we can generate and accumulate positive energy, how many years we occasionally accumulate negative energy? Undoubtedly that everything that happens to us is our own responsibility, if we assume our responsibility and stop blaming others for what happens to us, we can reflect it on our actions, thoughts and feelings. In this way we become aware of our negative attitudes, thus creating the possibility of "change" and change often involves evolution ...
After this change of attitude (which continues to take place today) I realized that things once considered rare, began to happen frequently, gestures of kindness, unexpected help, i began to see more smiling people, as i was becoming a kinder person in dealing with others, but received kindness :-) is there when I read about a universal law, the law of "Give and Receive" but that's a topic for another article ...
I think change is where the true happiness is, do new things, learn, see, meet people and share moments and experiences, travel ... To live in the change we must stop clinging to the familiar, stop clinging to our old "self," our concept of ourselves and begin to live what we want to live and to be what we want to be.